Never in a million years did I think that I would be sitting down in front of my laptop to write another blog post ever again. But then something absolutely awful happened to planet earth, and here I am, inspired by the humble need to comfort and engage with people in their homes due to the Covid-19 lock down. I'm hoping my future posts will inspire people to take some small DIY actions to make the most of the space that they call home. While also building some new friendships.

We are not house plants we're humans!
During the global filming of this seriously over budget 2020 sci -fi movie; we've quite rightly established some key safety measures and guidelines. But while these measures are to increase our chances of staying alive....they don't necessarily make a human being flourish like an indoor house plant is able to do by simply sitting by the window to get its daily ray of sunshine.
Human beings need more than just sunlight. We need community, human interaction, conversation, laughter, and memories. So my blog is here to ensure that while we're keeping a physical "social distance", we can be "social while we are distant".
Please like my Facebook Page and follow me on Pinterest, Instagram & Twitter and I'll follow you back so that we can make the most of our online conversation away from the blog.
Hope you'll enjoy reading my blog and joining the odd video chat!
Stay safe and much love.