Well, here we are again - navigating our lives through another nationally imposed lockdown. I will say this, if this is the "new normal" then we need to be slightly concerned about this emerging new world of ours. And at this point, I would like to urge you to stay close and connected to your "nearest & dearest" and reach out to those who you know live alone and please don't forget those who you know wished they lived alone too :o)
As we all know, your heating energy bills creep up during the winter months for obvious reasons, and for me, this cost increase is one I don't mind paying for, after all, it could be worse and I could be unfortunate enough to be living on the streets. So it's a luxury that I cherish for all of the right reasons.
I recently welcomed LED Bulbs to my website, the UK's leading LED lighting supplier. As most people may know a Light Emitting Diode product provides lighting up to 90% more efficiently than a normal bulb. And now that this technology has become more affordable, it's a "no brainer" that I'm encouraging you to install them in your homes as soon as possible. Especially as we are now at home 24/7 and the sun sets around 4pm these days.

I endorse them with full confidence because they pride themselves on only selling branded products by reputable manufacturers. This is important because the market is flooded with low quality LED products that would defeat the purpose of installing LED in the first place.
Take a look around their online shop, they have a huge range of products to choose from. And for those who are looking for inspiration for their lighting design. Check out my new Pinterest board.